Apex Legends DMA

 4,50 35,00

Discover the premier Apex Legends DMA (Direct Memory Access) software leading the market! Our cutting-edge software boasts many features and is exceptionally optimized for seamless performance.

  • Aimbot (Visible check, Input mode (Mouse, KMBox), Customizable smoothness, Dynamic smoothness, Customizable Fov, Select Bone (Closest, Head, Neck, Chest), Select aim key)
  • Recoil control (Standalone, No Sway, Customizable pitch, Customizable yaw)
  • Triggerbot (Select keybind, Magnet, Select Bone (Closest, Head, Neck, Chest, Hands, Legs), Customizable smoothness)
  • Glow (Customizable radius)
  • ESP (Health, Shield, Box, Skeleton, Name, Distance, Kills, RP, Downed, Customizable distance)
  • Misc (Spectator list, Transparent background)
  • Customize colors (ESP, Glow)
  • Movement (Superglide, Tapstrafer)
  • Settings (Load settings, Save settings, KMBox settings)
  • Fuser support
  • Moonlight & sunshine support
  • KMBox B+ and KMBox Net support
SKU: ALDMA Category: